Melia azedarach L. (China berry)

Family meliaceae


A deciduous tree with bipinnate compound leaves and askew lobular bases, the Melia azedarach L. (China berry) and the Koelreuteria formosana Hayata (Taiwan golden-rain tree) are very much alike. The China berry looks like it were dead when its brown leaves wither; but when spring comes, new shoots and inflorescence sprout. In March and April, light purple flowers are in full bloom, giving people a very gorgeous view. Pitifully, its flowering phase is not long, no more than one month. In autumn when the fruit ripens, the golden yellow fruit will draw many birds here to feed.

On the trunk chunks of amber-like light yellow objects are often seen. Actually, they are tree saps released through the bark cracks caused by insect bites and then harden into pieces. Under the China berry in summer, the Cryptotympana holsti’s (bear cicada) chirping sounds are often heard, and occasionally the ficus borers are often spotted moving in the tree. The bark cracks might be of their doings.

  Source of Pictures: Self-shot Pictures