Koelreuteria henryi Dummer (Taiwan golden-rain tree)

Family sapindaceae


A large deciduous tree with uneven rough bark, the Koelreuteria henryi Dummer (Taiwan golden-rain tree) has bipinnate compound leaves, alternate leaflets with small serrated leaf margins, acuminate apexes, and askew bases. Its yellow small flowers have panicles, with the center red and fruit red-brown, bulging like baloons. Taiwan golden-rain trees are unique to Taiwan. It is also known as Taiwan chameleon because it sprouts new leaves in spring, shades off the sun with green leaves in summer, colors the whole tree yellow with yellow flowers, and decorates the tree with red-brown fruit after flowers drop, making a row of Taiwan golden-rain trees a showcase of colors: red, yellow, brown, green, and others. Its colorful appearance add colors to the dull city. When in winter, bare branches and twigs are leafless. No sooner has spring comes than it restarts its life circle.

  Source of Pictures: Self-shot Pictures