Barringtonia racemosa(L.)Blume (small-leaved barringtonia; powderpuff tree)

Family lecythidaceae

A sea drifting species and different from the Indian barringtonia in some ways, the Barringtonia racemosa(L.)Blume (small-leaved barringtonia; powderpuff tree) has smaller flowers and leaves than the Indian barringtonia. The small-leaved barringtonia’s long inflorescence hangs downward. Having longer fruit with a long oval shape, it still has four edges. It has persistent calyxes at the fore ends and fibrous mesocarps, making it easy for it to drift on the sea and soread. It blooms at night time. For those who hope to appreciate it and take pictures, come later at night!

  Source of Pictures: Self-shot Pictures